As you might have already guessed my name is Britney. I’m nineteen and
a homeschool graduate. I am finishing up my second year at community college, and will be commuting to a university in the fall. I am studying for my bachelors in English Lit and Communications, which I hope to put towards a career in editing and publishing.
I began to seriously write when I was in eighth grade. I began to enter short stories in contests and in my freshman year of high school I used a novel writing curriculum for an English credit. This curriculum was One Year Adventure Novel and although I only wrote six chapters of my novel when it there was supposed to be twelve, there were many valuable lessons I learned through that course.
During my freshman year I wrote a short story, Church Boy, and sent it to a children’s Christian magazine, Primary Treasure. At first the story was put to the side but then a month or two later was accepted to be published. This was a major encouragement to me and since then I have started writing this blog and working on more advanced projects. November 2011 was my first attempt at NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) through the Young Writer’s Program.
It's hard for me to be open about my writing, mostly because I feel like I haven't finished many projects at all. The one project I did manage to finish probably won't come out from under my bed, but I guess that is a sort of milestone in a writer's career. Most writers have projects that are first attempts, or just don't work, so at least I can say that I have one.
I never used to think of myself as being artsy or creative besides writing. I've realized however, that most of the hobbies I enjoy are creative in a way. I like to crochet, and have experience in sewing and oil painting plus I've been known to make roses from book pages. So it makes sense in a way that I work at a craft store!
I won't promise that I'll post often. I work part-time and I have to balance that out with my college work. But when I have something share it'll make it's way here.
Thank you for stopping by!